Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Skincare routine for acne?

i need some new skincare products . i have mildly oily skin with acne. i've tried proactiv and it didnt work. all those acne treatments are so expensive and most people say they dont work anyways, so please dont suggest one. all i want is a good acne face wash or whatever. let me know your everyday skincare routine for clear skin, thanks!Skincare routine for acne?
You just need the basics and stick to it:




Spot Treatment/Etc.

Wash morning and night like this:

Sanitize hands.

Splash face (make sure to get the sides not just the center)with warm water to open pores.

Wash face with cleanser.

Wash off product with warm water.

Close pores with cool water.

Pat face dry with a clean towel.

Use a cotton pad to apply toner.

Apply moisturizer when dry.

**See your spot treatment/extra for directions.

If it says apply once a day, apply at night, twice a day=morning and night, etc.

My Products:

Oil Free Cleanser Neutragena

Alcohol Free Toner Neutragena

Clinque Dramatically Different Moisturizer

2-in1 Fight and Fade Acne Gel Neutragena

Little things that make a HUGE difference:

Wash pillow case and bed sheets once a week.

Clean Cell Phone/Phones once a week. (I use baby wipes. DO NOT USE WATER OR PUT IT IN THE WASHING MACHINE)

Drink Plenty of Water.

Throughly remove makeup after use.

When at home, push hair back by wearing a headband.

When you sleep at night, wear hair in ponytail.Skincare routine for acne?
You should try these tips

Drink lots of water but don't drink too much!

Keep a clean body by washing every day or every other day.

Keep your body fit and healthy

Buy some soap made just for your face. It's not expensive at all!
stop eating macdonalds everyday, far out cant u americans stop eating macdonalds for at least 1 day!?!?!?!!?
Try drinking lots of water with lemon. also, wash your hands and face often with a neutrogena soap. Good luck
You should use st. ives for oily or acne prone skin. it's pretty good. I use clearisil daily facewash at night.

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